
How to Change Spotify Password [Ultimate Guide]

We live in an age where passwords are a part of daily life. From our email accounts to our streaming services and everything in between, passwords help us access our digital identities and secure our online presence. Yet, they can also be a source of frustration when we inevitably forget them or they need to be updated for security purposes. This is especially true for a widely-used streaming platform like Spotify, which most of us rely on for our everyday music listening needs. 

If you find yourself needing to change your Spotify password or recover your account after forgetting that complicated jumble of numbers, letters, and symbols, have no fear. Resetting your credentials on Spotify is a straightforward process whether you currently have access to your account or not. With just a few simple steps, you can update and secure your Spotify login details with ease.

Why You Might Need to Change Your Spotify Password

There are a few key reasons why Spotify users elect to change their account passwords. The most obvious one is that you simply forgot your old password after not using the service for a while. Spotify passwords, like most online account credentials nowadays, can be difficult to remember, especially if you made it some unintelligible mixture of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 

Another driver for changing your Spotify password is a desire for better overall account security. If your password is outdated, easy to guess, or you suspect your account has been compromised, updating to a new password that only you know is advisable. Standard password security best practices today recommend creating complex passwords that are at least 12 characters long and include uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. 

You may also want to periodically change your Spotify password as part of routine security maintenance. Just like changing the locks when you move into a new home, refreshing your digital keys every so often is wise to restrict access to your data and maintain your privacy.  

How to Easily Change Your Spotify Password When Logged In

If you already have access to your Spotify account and simply want to change your current password, doing so is a quick and straightforward process on both desktop and mobile. 

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Here is how to update your Spotify password when logged into your account:

1. Open your web browser on your computer or mobile device and go to Spotify.com. Click on “Log In” at the top right of the screen.

2. Enter your current Spotify username and password on the login page and hit “Log In” to access your account.

3. Once logged in, move your cursor over your profile icon in the top right corner of the screen and click on “Account” in the dropdown menu.

4. On the Account page, scroll down to the “Change password” button and click on it. 

5. On the Change Password page, enter your current password and then type your new desired password twice to confirm. Your new password should follow Spotify’s password rules and requirements including a minimum 8-character length and at least one number, uppercase letter and symbol. 

6. Once you have entered and confirmed your new Spotify password, click “Set new password” at the bottom of the form to save your changes. 

7. You will see a confirmation that your password has been updated. You can test logging out and back in with your new credentials.

And that is all there is to it! With just a few quick clicks, you can change your Spotify password to something new and more secure while safely logging into your account.  

Resetting Your Spotify Password When Locked Out of Your Account 

Sometimes we don’t just forget our Spotify password, we forget the email address or username associated with the account too. Or perhaps we suspect that someone else has gotten access and changed credentials without our permission. In cases like these when we no longer have access to our Spotify accounts, the process is still relatively simple reset your password and regain access.

Here are the steps to reset your Spotify password when you do not have login access:

1. Open your web browser and go to Spotify.com. Click on “Log In” at the top right. 

2. On the login page, click on the “Forgot your password?” link underneath the password field. 

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3. On the next page, enter either the email address or username associated with your Spotify account and click “Send.” This will trigger a password reset email to be sent to you. 

4. Open the email account associated with your Spotify login. You should see an automated email from Spotify with a prominent “Reset Your Password” button or link. Click it. 

5. Clicking the link will open a Spotify page prompting you to enter your new password. Type your new password taking care to follow Spotify’s password rules and requirements. Enter it a second time to confirm.

6. Click “Set new password” to save your changes. 

Once submitted, your Spotify password will be updated to your new credentials. You can now use this new password to access your Spotify account going forward!

The key things to note if you get locked out and need to reset your password are having access to the email address associated with the Spotify account and ensuring whatever new password you create fits their guidelines. As long as you have your login email on hand though, getting back into a Spotify account with a forgotten or lost password takes less than 5 minutes. 

Why Strong, Unique Passwords Matter

As digital services like Spotify continue to store more and more of our personal data and media libraries, having strong, secure passwords for accounts like these is extremely important. Weak, outdated, or duplicated passwords leave our sensitive information vulnerable to security breaches, hacks, and misuse. 

When coming up with a new password for Spotify during a reset or normal update, be sure you are not recycling credentials used on other accounts. Password reuse allows your other accounts to be compromised if one site suffers a breach. Strong, unique passwords should be the norm across all your digital accounts. 

Spotify passwords specifically should also meet a good level of complexity to thwart guessing attempts. At a minimum, a secure Spotify password needs to be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one symbol.  However, longer passwords with greater complexity are even better to lower the odds of them being cracked by bad actors. 

Updating your Spotify password periodically, say every 90 days, is also wise to limit the chances it could be stolen, hacked, guessed or used without your permission. Don’t be afraid to hit reset on those music login credentials every few months!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Spotify Passwords

Over the years providing account assistance for millions of users, Spotify has amassed a knowledge base of frequently asked questions when it comes to password resets and account access. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions:

How do I change my Spotify password if I don’t have current login access?

You can still reset your Spotify password even if locked out by using the “Forgot your password” link on their login page. You will need access to the email address associated with the Spotify account to receive a password reset link. 

I forgot my Spotify login email address. Can I still recover my account?

Without the registered email address, Spotify has no way to verify account ownership and try to issue a password reset. Your best bet is to try common email addresses you have used with other accounts to see if any work for your Spotify account.

Is there a way to reset my Spotify password in the mobile app? 

Unfortunately no – Spotify requires you to use a web browser and visit their website to manage your password. Mobile apps do not have password reset functionality at this time.

What are the rules and requirements for a Spotify password?

Spotify passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one number, and one special symbol. For best security, 10+ characters with greater complexity are recommended.  

Does Spotify ever force password resets or expiration?

No, Spotify does not enforce periodic changes or expirations after periods. You must manually elect to change your credentials on your own by choice. Forced resets only occur if Spotify notices suspicious activity that merits a reset.  

By now you should understand why strong, unique passwords are so vital for Spotify accounts and how a quick reset can get you back up and running should you ever find yourself locked out. Stay secure out there and happy listening!

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