
How To Seamlessly Embed Spotify Playlists In Notion:Integrating Your Favorite Tunes

In the digital age, music plays an integral role in setting the vibe and motivating our moods. Whether you’re looking to add a personal touch to your workspace or seamlessly share songs with friends, embedding a Spotify playlist directly into your Notion pages makes it effortless. You will get to know how to embed Spotify Playlists In Notion!

With over 381 million monthly active users, Spotify reigns as the world’s most popular audio streaming platform. Notion, similarly, has skyrocketed in popularity as an all-in-one productivity workspace. Combined, these two powerhouses offer exceptional synergy.

Embedding your favorite Spotify playlists directly within Notion unlocks game-changing efficiency and convenience. You can instantly access your top tracks without toggling between apps. Better yet, you can share entire playlists with teammates, friends, or family at the click of a button.

Let’s explore step-by-step how to embed a Spotify playlist in Notion. We’ll also overview best practices, advanced features, and the multitude of benefits this integration unlocks.

Step-By-Step: How to Seamlessly Embed Spotify Playlists in Notion

Embedding a Spotify playlist into your Notion workspace requires just a few quick steps. Here is the full walkthrough:

Step 1: Access Notion and Build a New Page

First, open your Notion account and create a fresh page. This will house the embedded Spotify playlist. Give the page a descriptive title that matches the playlist theme, topic, or purpose.

For example, you may title the page “Favorite Study Beats” if curating motivational, lyric-free tunes to boost productivity.

Step 2: Head to Spotify and Locate Your Playlist

Next, navigate to Spotify on your desktop, phone app, or web browser. Find the specific playlist you want to embed. This can be a preset playlist from Spotify or a custom playlist you created.

Step 3: Copy the Playlist Link

To grab the necessary link, click on the three horizontal dots beside the playlist name. Select “Copy Playlist Link” from the dropdown menu.

This copies the unique URL needed to embed the playlist.

Step 4: Return to Notion and Insert an Embed Block

Head back to your new Notion page. Click on the “+” symbol to open available blocks and search for “Embed.” Select the “Embed” block.

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Step 5: Paste in Spotify Playlist Link

Within the empty Embed block that opens, paste the Spotify playlist URL you copied earlier. Once pasted, Notion will automatically pull in the playlist.

Step 6: Customize Sizing (Optional)

You can tweak the playlist dimensions as needed by clicking on the embedded playlist and adjusting the size options. This allows tailoring it to fit your Notion page layout and preferences.

Step 7: Finalize Page

With your playlist successfully embedded, finalize any other page customizations needed. When complete, save your Notion page to lock in the Spotify playlist.

Best Practices for Embedding Spotify Playlists in Notion

When embedding Spotify playlists within your Notion workspace, consider the following best practices:

  • Use Descriptive Playlist Titles – Give your Spotify playlists clear, specific names that summarize the genre, mood, topic, or purpose. This makes them easier to find later.
  • Adjust Sizing – Use Notion’s built-in embed block size controls to adjust playlist dimensions as needed. Prevent playlists from taking up too much valuable page real estate.
  • Add Spotify Link – Include a link to the full Spotify playlist alongside your embed. This allows others to access the complete song list and listen in Spotify if desired.
  • Create Collaborative Playlists – Leverage playlist embeds as a way to collaboratively build playlists with teammates, friends, family members or other connections. Identify songs to add right within Notion!
  • Curate Multiple Playlists – Don’t limit yourself to a single playlist per page. Create pages with various playlist embeds curated by mood, activity, genre or any theme.

Top 5 Benefits of Embedding Spotify Playlists in Notion

Integrating your favorite Spotify playlists directly within your Notion workspace unlocks a multitude of benefits, including:

  1. Music Organization – Easily catalog and access your top playlists from one workspace.
  2. Music Sharing – Seamlessly share entire playlists with others by embedding collaborative Spotify playlists.
  3. Enhanced Engagement – Add interactivity and entertainment to your Notion pages with music that matches the content theme and sets the mood.
  4. Work Motivation – Embed lyric-free instrumental playlists to help focus while working in Notion. The right tunes can boost energy and productivity.
  5. Universal Access – Access your playlists whether on desktop, mobile or any device where you use Notion. Your music travels with your workspace.
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Advanced Notion Commands for Playlist Embeds

Beyond the core embedding steps outlined earlier, Notion offers advanced commands that further simplify working with Spotify playlist integrations:

  • /playlist – Use this slash command followed by a playlist URL to instantly generate an embedded playlist without copying/pasting.
  • Customize Appearance – Additional /playlist parameters allow tweaking the visual appearance such as height, width and more.
  • Playlist Widget – The /playlist command also enables creating a dynamic Notion widget to display playlist details anywhere in your workspace.

For details on all available /playlist commands and customizations, visit Notion’s Advanced Embed help documentation.

FAQs: Integrating Spotify Playlists Within Notion

Embedding your favorite Spotify playlists directly within your Notion workspace unlocks awesome efficiency. Here are answers to common questions on how to seamlessly integrate Spotify and Notion:

Is embedding Spotify playlists in Notion free?

Yes! Notion allows embedding Spotify playlists 100% free. Simply copy the playlist URL directly from Spotify and paste into a Notion embed block.

Can I create collaborative Spotify playlists in Notion?

Absolutely! Enable playlist collaboration in Spotify’s settings, then embed the playlist in Notion. Friends can then access the playlist directly in Notion to add their own song picks.

What if I want multiple playlist embeds on one Notion page?

No problem. You can embed any number of Spotify playlist on a single Notion page. Create a page with your top playlists for different moods, genres or activities. The embeds make it easy to toggle between them.

Is there a way to log into my Spotify account directly within Notion?

Unfortunately, Notion currently does not allow direct Spotify account integration or login. However, you can still easily access all of your Spotify playlists for embedding using the unique playlist URLs.

Can I customize the visual appearance of my embedded playlists?

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Yes! Using Notion’s /playlist advanced command, you can tweak the embed appearance by setting the height, width, show/hide elements like title, description and more. Review Notion’s documentation for details.

How do I create a dynamic Spotify playlist widget in Notion?

Use Notion’s /playlist command followed by your playlist URL and widget parameters to generate a live playlist widget. The widget will display up-to-date stats like followers, description and more anywhere in your workspace.

What steps do I take to stop Spotify adding recommended songs to my playlists?

Navigate to your Spotify account settings and toggle the “Add Recommendations” switch off for any playlists you manage. This prevents Spotify from automatically adding suggested tracks based on your listening history and interests.

Is there a way to download my Spotify playlists for offline listening?

Yes. Spotify offers a “Download” button on all playlists that allows saving songs offline within the Spotify app. Toggle download on for any playlists you want accessible offline. Downloaded playlists sync across mobile and desktop apps.

Can I control the auto-play feature in Spotify to prevent playlists from continuing endlessly?

Absolutely. Within Spotify’s settings, toggle the Autoplay feature off. This prevents Spotify from automatically continuing to play similar songs when your playlists end. Disable autoplay for greater control of your listening experience.

How do I recommend a great song to a friend if we have collaborative Notion playlists?

If collaboratively curating playlists within Notion, use Notion’s built-in commenting. Add a comment below the playlist embed recommending a great song you discover with a note. Friends can then check out the song and potentially add it to the playlist!


Embedding your favorite Spotify playlists directly within your Notion workspace makes accessing and sharing music incredibly seamless. With just a few quick steps, you can add an interactive spin to your Notion pages with playlists tailored to any mood, genre or activity.

Whether looking to motivate your own productivity or collaborate with teammates on curating the ultimate collection of shared songs, this integration offers immense possibility. Unlock the benefits of these exceptional tools merged together within your productive Notion ecosystem.

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